With a focus on rural, grassroots activism, Terri formerly served as the President of the Conservative Women of SouthWest Texas and has attended many RPT (Republican Party of Texas) training sessions including Campaign Management School. She has organized numerous candidate meet & greets, forums, parades, educational events and participated in many hours of block-walking & phone-banking for many Republican candidates including Quico Canseco, Will Hurd, Governor Abbott, Pete Flores and Dr Alma Arredondo Lynch. These efforts were also put to work serving on the Texas Strike Force for Mitt Romney in Southwest Ohio and was part of the Texas Ted Cruz Strike Force Team in Iowa. In addition, we in Real County were fortunate to include her membership on the SREC (State Republican Executive Committee) representing our own Senate District 19 from 2014 – 2018. She also served on Lamar Smith’s Congressional District 21 Leadership Advisory Team during her tenure on the SREC.
Terri is the current Treasurer of the Real County Republican Party.
Email 830-279-2263