Real County GOP Delegation

On March 19, 2016 the Real County Convention was held in Leakey, Texas. Listed are the delegates chosen to represent Real County at the Texas GOP State Convention in Dallas on May 12-14.

Jack DuBose – 1st Delegate
Terri DuBose – 2nd Delegate
Fred Huff – 3rd Delegate
Les Hearron – 1st Alternate Delegate
Barbara Huff – 2nd Alternate Delegate
Billie Hearron – 3rd Alternate Delegate

In addition there were three resolutions all passed unanimously by the Real County Delegates. They are thus:

Resolution #1: Resolution on Texas Independence

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Texas urges the State of Texas to hold a referendum asking the people of Texas to decide on whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.

Resolution #2: Resolution on the Defense of Marriage

BE IT RESOLVED THAT The State of Texas should exercise its constitutional authority to disregard those laws that represent a clear breach of enumerated constitutional federal power by nullifying the June 26, 2015 United States Supreme Court issued opinion purporting to overturn traditional/natural marriage. This nullification would thereby uphold the 10th Amendment (specifically the Texas Bill of Rights Section 32 “Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman”).

Resolution #3: Resolution for Electronic Voting Integrity

Be it resolved that we the Republican Party of Texas insists that Results/Tally tapes be printed, signed by election judges and returned to county election officers when the polls close each day of early voting and on election night before the electronic voting equipment leave the polling location.

