Independence Day Parade in Leakey, Texas 2017

The Real County Republican Party had an entry in the 2017 Independence Day Parade in Leakey, Texas. We entered a 1929 Ford Model A followed by our signature red tractor pulling the official trailer hauling our good Republicans Stuart and Marian Knowlton and including President Trump and Vice President Pence. That entry was followed by Ray Meyers of the Kaufman County Tea Party in his diesel powered utility vehicle. All three entries were ringed by Les Hearron on his homemade built motor bicycle. Our entries won second place for organizations and clubs. We also had two horse riders not officially part of the entries but riding for us nonetheless. Riding on the horses were Dr. Alma Arredondo-Lynch candidate for Congressional District 23 U.S. Congress and our granddaughter Bella Smith. Thank you to all the Real County Republicans who helped put this together.
