2020 Real County Candidate Forum

The Real County Republican Party held their 2020 primary candidate forum on February 8, 2020. We featured 7 speakers who qualified for the ballot. The speakers in order were:

Jack DuBose, Real County Republican Chairman
Christina Mitchell Busbee, District Attorney, 39th Judicial Dist
Brad Hart, County Commissioner, Precinct 1
Kevin Chisum, County Constable
Nathan T. Johnson, Sheriff
Terrie Pendley, County Tax Assessor-Collector
Linda Massman, County Tax Assessor-Collector

The new precinct chairs for this election cycle were announced. Precinct Chairs are automatically consummated upon filing if unopposed and take office upon the post state convention organization meeting. These precinct chairs are as follows:

Frank Freeman, Precinct 1 Chair
Dr. Christina Johnson, Precinct 2 Chair
Brenda Askew, Precinct 4 Chair

Precinct Chairs for 3, 6 & 7 are vacant.

Announcement was made for the Real County Convention to be held on March 21, 2020.


2018 Real County GOP Candidate Forum

The 2018 Real County GOP Candidate Forum made a big splash with 22 candidates speaking to an estimated crowd of 120.  The event began with 10 candidates vying for the one spot for Congressional District 21.  There are a total of 18 candidates that have filed for the position.  Candidates for CD 21 participating in the event included Mauro Garza, Chip Roy (by Nathan McDaniel), Jenifer Sarver, Susan Narvaiz, Samuel Temple, Anthony J. White, Jason Issac, Francisco “Quico” Canseco, Al M. Poteet and Matt McCall.  These 10 congressional candidates received 5 minutes total including their own managed time allotment for Q/A.  Most categorized themselves as conservative except Samuel Temple who called himself moderate and quipped about talking to the two moderates in the room after the event.  The most common questions answered were on the economy and out-of-control spending and immigration and border wall issues.  All that were asked whether they supported the President’s agenda were affirmative.  Some were asked whether they lived in the district as it appears several do not.  That subject was avoided from a voluntary standpoint.  It is easy to understand why as it is inconsistent with the state and local candidate requirement to live in the district, county or precinct a candidate seeks to represent in Texas.  Several candidates are organizing followup visits to the county prior to early voting even with the realization that Real County is small but also recognizing the vibrancy and enthusiasm for everything Republican.  Real County is by far the reddest in the district having voted 86% for Donald Trump.

The local candidates for office followed the congressional group and began with Jack DuBose running unopposed (incumbent County Chairman) joking about his “mighty stature” that no one dared to file against him and by the way the money is good (ok, that was me, and what money is he talking about?).  I was just trying to lighten the mood for some of the local candidates who I knew were quite nervous.  Kevin Chisum (incumbent) also running unopposed for Constable followed my lead quipping about his hair (what hair?).  Where Kevin gets his haircuts came up several times thereafter egged on by another unopposed candidate in Sheriff Nathan Johnson who should be awarded comedic of the night.  Sheriff Johnson had the crowd roaring.  It was a turnabout after the more serious nature of CD 21.  But then we had to get back to business with those competitive races.  Next up for Commissioner Pct 4 was Bryan Shackelford who wondered aloud halfway through his speech how many minutes were left on the clock but then went on to answer some tough questions.  His competition came from Shawn Streib Gray who kept herself on track with notes and her knowledge of the community from her work as a realtor.  Charles Hunger gave a rather detailed look at the county and his projection of what the commissioner’s job should be and also showed his knowledge of the community.  Rudy Gonzalez returned to the light hearted theme of the night complaining about his shaky legs, a rather honest self-assessment and answered all questions very well, a testament to his extensive voluntary work.  Don’t worry Rudy, my legs were shaking too.  Lana Carr came off as very knowledgeable in her bid for Justice of the Peace followed by the incumbent Dianne Rogers perhaps better known for her work with EMS and quipped about “hauling off a few people” in those ambulances.  She let it be known though that she is running for reelection for JP, not EMS.  The evening wrapped up with the 3 candidates running for County Judge beginning with Gary Overbay who focused on his character, leadership qualities and community involvement.  J. D. Martinez followed with an expose on his background in a rather extensive and experienced leadership role in law enforcement in the Rio Grande Valley and other places.  Bella Rubio wrapped up the night talking about her experience in the courtroom and as county clerk and why she can do the job.  All three County Judge candidates left little or no time for questions, but perhaps that was smart since in this small community, more opportunities are available for Q/A.

The night was informative but fun and entertaining, all the ingredients of what we strive for in presenting candidates to lead us into the future in today’s world of politics that have recently become rather dark at times.  Who are we if we can’t make politics fun again?


Real County Candidate Forum

The Real County Candidate Forum was a rousing success according to the many participants and voters who attended. We heard from candidates from all levels of government including national, district, county and precinct. The following candidates attended and gave speeches and answered questions:

From left to right:

Johnie Woolridge for Commissioner Pct 3
John Horton representing Lamar Smith for Congressional District 21
Pete Flores for Senate District 19
Bruce Carr for Sheriff
Nathan Johnson for Constable
Kevin Chisum for Constable
Matt McCall for Congressional District 21
Don Gass for Sheriff

