A Sordid Immigration Story

I’ve been consulting with a friend on a story of her work on a project that has received very little attention from the mainstream media.  This is her unedited story, along with my observations and analysis.

In Her Own Words

“The year was 2014; that’s when my journey into a new frontier gave birth.  This new adventure into what I call my new frontier, is one I never in my lifetime thought I’d experience.  It all started with a call from a contracting company one Saturday afternoon in 2014.  This contracting company was looking for people to take on a project that would assist the United States Emergency Management Team, along with another state agency.  After you read about my experience while working on this project, you will probably ask why I didn’t stop working for these organizations?  Why as a conservative, that I am, I continued?  Well, I continued, because I felt it was necessary to fully understand the entire scope of the project, from the starting to the ending of the project.”

In My Own Words

In 2014 and 2015 we knew here in Texas something nefarious was coming down, on the border and in our own back yards.  We just didn’t know all the details.  Years later we found out some of the details.  Those details would be bombshell reports had they come out at the time and fully explains why in the political world suppression of this type of information serves the unitary ruling apparatchik, at that time being the Obama Administration.  These reports come from a friend who served the rulers of those times.  We knew who the rulers were, but we didn’t know the full context of WHAT they were.  Perhaps these reports in some small way will shine more light on them, that light being the ultimate disinfectant.

The First Report

“My first project started in Kerrville, TX.  I was told to report to the location where my interview took place, and to report exactly at 3:00 am. All paperwork was in proper order, NDA Forms filled out, and we were ready to load the buses.  We loaded up charter buses (4), and our destination was unknown.  I was told not to share the location with my spouse or anybody else.  We finally arrived at our location, attended a briefing, and then we were told the full details about our project and where we were located.  We would stay at our location in Kerrville, no more than twenty-four days, and we were there to care for 1500 illegals that had crossed our borders.  My assignment was to provide direct care for these children. They ranged from 10 to 17 years of age and our site was to be called Alpha.  We provided food, clothes, shoes, under clothes, bedding, sports equipment, yarn, construction paper, play cards, and puzzles.  I was also assigned to teach them English, and Bible.  On Sundays, the staff would hold church services, praise and worship time (in Spanish).  After our twenty-four days had expired, it was time to move.  We headed to another location, called Wimberley. This camp was to be called Bravo.  We the staffers had security for our protection in every camp.  We had Texas Rangers that were assigned to our camps for our protection.”

In the Middle of the Night

I inquired about the NDA but my friend indicated it was not available and strangely enough she was not given a copy of the form.  Perhaps even the existence of a written agreement would be evidence to hide?  In any case, she believes she is no longer subject to the NDA.  I wonder where it would stand had Hillary won the election.  Also, please note the report time she gives as 3:00 AM.  That is the first day on the job.  It is in the middle of the night, a time chosen obviously so as not to alert anyone.  And how in the world are the workers supposed to keep secret even from their own spouse when they go out in the middle of the night?  Nefarious indeed!

Camps and Caravans

“As we headed to our new location, we traveled in a caravan, composed of 5-6 charter buses if not more, and 5 or more vans.  Bravo was our new camp in Wimblerley, TX, and the same routine would continue, with the same assignment, for twenty-four days.  We traveled through back roads to our new destinations, so as not to be so obvious to the public, as the Governor of Texas, and the people of Texas knew nothing of the camps within their communities.  After Bravo ended, there were other camps in different locations:  Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxfire, and finally Golf.  The locations or communities utilized were Kerrville, Wimberley, Leakey, Vanderpool, San Antonio (Lackland Air Base), Ft. Sill in Oklahoma, and finally El Paso.  The same expense was incurred in every location, because we received new illegals.  Sometimes the borders were impacted by 1,000 children per day.  The surge of children was huge.  Some children started their journey in Arizona, and evidently ended up in Texas.  Busloads would arrive and it was time to work.  We were told the illegals were government property, we were not to mistreat them, or take photos of them, or with them.  If we mistreated any illegal or took photos, we were warned we would be arrested.  One staff member didn’t heed to the warning.  She took photos of them.  At 3:00 am, the Sheriff, the Texas Ranger, and upper management were banging on my cabin door, looking for that staff member.  She was arrested and escorted off the property.  So illegals were to be treated with respect, dignity, and whatever they needed, and we were to assist them.”

My Hometown

Everything seems to happen here at 3:00 AM almost like a script.  I wonder what charge was used to arrest the contractor she mentions.  A violation of the NDA would be a civil violation would it not?  She mentions Leakey here, my hometown.  I recall the year 2015 when a massive crowd assembled at the Courthouse in Leakey, Texas to hear from military personnel on an operation named Jade Helm.  The people were suspicious when the word got out the military were conducting what they called “training exercises”.  The media were here.  We gave them interviews.  We made the news not because of the event but because the media thought we were right wing conspiratorialists.  I recall the people apologizing to the officer in charge believing they were being used by the Obama Administration of which purpose no one could explain.  We in rural Texas are very supportive of the military you see and were conflicted on any possible nefarious use of our troops.  It was just a bad feeling.  The people did not buy the presenters’ explanations.  The Commissioner’s Court did.  Was the military maneuvers just a distraction of the REAL operation?  I wonder now.  Perhaps there really were military training exercises but the real purpose was to cover up or distract from the camps set up outside of town.  The people NEVER were told about any such camp here in Leakey, Texas other than those of Jade Helm and that location was not revealed.

The Children Arrive

“When children first started arriving, they were already taken care of.  By this I mean they were bathed, they were clean, they didn’t have lice anymore if any.  They were arranged in different areas:  girls in a certain area, and boys in another location.  The Case Managers would connect with relatives in the state, and the children after a certain time would be flown to different locations (New York, Virginia, Miami, California, Boston, and some would stay in Texas).  These children would meet up with their relatives in each location.  These children had a certain timeframe to meet with a judge and he would determine their final stay in the United States.  It was difficult for me to understand how their relatives could reside in the cities mentioned above, as these locations are so expensive to live, and also how they could afford the legal aspect of their situation, but those were the designated cities they were flown to.  And yes, another expense incurred by you the taxpayer again.”

Our Fading Memories

Memories tend to fade, but mine is still pretty vivid of those years since I was politically involved.   Immigration, but especially illegal immigration was on everyone’s mind.  Things haven’t changed much, but the emphasis certainly has with the crackdown now undergoing in the Trump Administration.

The Surge

“As time continued, the surge of children became over bearing for our borders.  They would then arrive at my location and doctors, nurses, clinicians, and direct care would prepare for their arrival.  As we were told “fresh meat was arriving”.  This meant that these children were arriving with illnesses, lice, and dirty, not vetted.  Physicians were the first process in their arrival, as they would have to wash their hair and use lice products to clean out their hair.  My job was next.  After hair washing, I would take them to their quarters, line them up, take all their belongings (money, phone numbers, rings, earrings, clothes, shoes, under clothes) and place the items in an airtight bag to be archived.  They would take showers, change into clean clothes, and were assigned a bed.  After completing my task, I would provide all the phone numbers to the Case Managers and they would start the vetting process.  The same expense would be incurred in every camp.  Sometimes in the afternoon, I would assist by calling the children’s relatives in Guatamala, Honduras, Mexico, and a few from India.  That would be another expense incurred by you, the taxpayer.”

Creating Jobs?

The media tells us illegal immigrants contribute to our economy.  They create jobs.  They pay taxes.  They prop up Social Security.  We begin to see exactly what they mean.  They start out using valuable resources and those resources DO create some jobs, not just the jobs of those taking care of them but also jobs to hear their cases, i.e. attorneys, some private and some subsidized by the Federal government and immigration judges and more border patrol agents, ICE, prison guards for those who commit crimes, social workers and the bureaucracy that entails, here in Texas DPS Officers and Texas Rangers and the list goes on and on.  If that is their point, then yes, illegal immigration creates jobs.  Are those the kind of jobs we seek to create?

The Governor

“Finally after five months, Governor Perry found out about the camps and was of course furious.  Come July 2014, Governor Perry sent 1,000 National Guard to our borders.  He was extremely upset that only Obama knew about the activity, and at some point the Pentagon.  The camp in  Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, was also of course approved by Obama. It housed 1200 illegal immigrants at the base, and when the people of Oklahoma became aware of the housing situation, they were not happy campers.  Once again the routine of purchasing clothes, food, shoes, and hiring staff (1200), had begun (taxpayer expense once again).  When the residents found out why we were there, we were pretty much treated rudely.  We were told to go out in groups, not alone.  Hotels were demanding our staff leave their rooms, as many hotels were full of staff.  I remember when I was headed back home, a coworker and I went to rent a car to drive back home.  They didn’t want to rent us a car, because we worked at Ft. Sill.  Cab drivers would not pick up our staff, so it became a serious situation.”

The Governor’s Missing in Action

I don’t quite understand how the use of the Texas Rangers prior to the Governor involvement occurred.  Can the Pentagon and others actually commandeer the Texas Rangers without state involvement or at least notification?  I don’t doubt the story here, but I wonder if our Governor in 2014 was up front with the people.  It may have been that Governor Perry knew there was a request for extra law enforcement without knowing the details.  And who was the state agency she mentioned earlier.  She did not seem to know.  The workers appeared to be given only “need to know information”.  In any case, something is remiss here.

Her Deployments

“During my stay, I had to deploy twice (they called it deployments), as I caught strep throat from the illegal immigrants.  When we felt sick, we would report to the medical staff, only to be told the medications were ONLY for the illegal immigrants, not for us.  So whoever became ill, had to go out and spend their own money to receive medical assistance in the outside, and miss a day of work.  These children arrived with mental illnesses, lice, strep throat, and pregnancy situations.”

Health Care

But we were told by the media that illegal immigrants are NOT a threat to us, either physically, medically or in any other way.  We’ve heard some of these stories before, that illegal immigrants have access to better health care than our veterans.  I certainly believe those stories, but we now hear they have better access than our own government workers.  Remember, these government workers are hired under contract, meaning the government does not have to provide the same level of services they would to workers employed full-time under their umbrella.  It is also easier to control the potential “whistle-blower” factions that might arise under direct employment.

The Illegal Immigrants’ Stories

“As I talked to the children/youth, I found out many things that transpired in their lives, forcing them to leave their country.  Some told me they were running from the cartel, some had witnessed murders, some had been in the drug scene, some had been or were gang members, and some were just desiring a new life where they could prosper. They told of stories where they worked the field to make a living for their family.  At the age of 11 or 12 they were already supporting their grandmothers or their mothers.  They were excited to head to their families in the different locations in the U.S., because they thought they could start working immediately.  When I explained to them that our government did not allow children under the age of 16 to be employed, they were upset.  Some wanted to head back to their country, because they stated America was not as easy to live in as they thought.  Many were thinking they were already American Citizens upon entering the United States.  They stated Obama gave them the open door to enter the country, and that Obama had stated they would become citizens right away.  Ninety percent of them didn’t have a father figure, so they pretty much roamed the streets.  They told of rape situations on the trains they had boarded.  A small child cried and told me that all he could do was cover his ears and cry, because a gang of boys would rape the girls in the train one after another.  Some told of children killed on the way to the United States.  They stated that they would cross Mexico and the coyotes would tell them to run to the border, so the Border Patrol could capture them, and the United States would provide for them, not to worry.”

My Story and I’m Sticking To It

Again, the media tells us these stories are FAKE news.  Really?  These stories came directly from their mouths.  My friend who is contracted to take care of the illegals is a credible source I believe, else I would not be relaying her story.  She is, however somewhat reluctant to tell her story publicly and prefers to confide only in those she trusts.  I understand that.  It was somewhat stressful for her.  She states that she wanted to see the project to its conclusion and wanted to know more about what was behind it all.  She also stated to me that the financial enticements were significant.  I believe this made her even more curious.  She also conveyed to me others she knew were working for the project and their interest were more of a financial nature.  I conclude from all this the pay must have been quite good.  Does it not sound like there may have been a level of hush money beyond the services performed?

Arizona and ICE

“The children told me of the difficult time they spent at the ICE Facility in Arizona.  They told me they were treated like animals by ICE officials.  ICE placed them all in a big facility and all they did was sit on the floor, until they were processed.  They stated when night came, they would set the cooler at 50 degrees, causing them to become extremely cold. The children stated they would huddle together to keep warm, but would have to call the ICE officials, when they could no longer endure the cold.  At that point ICE Officials would provide them with spread heat shield technology wraps (the kind firefighters use out in forest fires), and those would become their blankets.  They stated when it was time to eat, they would throw packs of small Lunchables for them to eat.  Some stated they wished they had stayed in their native country, instead of coming to the U.S. to be treated like animals.”

Cold as Ice

The illegal immigrants complained of their mistreatment at the hands of ICE officials in Arizona.  I cannot ascertain the motivation behind setting the temperature at night.  Perhaps it was to keep them uncomfortable as we do with criminals in prison so that they do not conspire to escape or otherwise pose problems for their captors?  I can only speculate but remember it is ICE who are handling them in Arizona.  Once they are turned over to the civilian contract workers it is under a totally different supervision.

The Transfer

“As they arrived to my location, they thought they were coming to the same situatution they left in Arizona, but they were so relieved to see the treatment at our end was 100% different.  They were thrilled to bathe, to receive clothes, a warm bed, shoes, underclothes, games, and more importantly good food.  When I took all their belongings, I would say 70% of them, had a piece of the heat wrap with them.  I asked them  why they carried this piece of wrap.  Their response, ‘Because we want to remember how we were greeted when we entered the U.S. and the suffering we had to endure.'”

The Users

These are people who endured suffering all along the trail to the United States.  We are just left wondering in amazement why any American would support the movement of people under these conditions even helping to finance such ventures like that of Alex Mensing, a project coordinator with Pueblo Sin Fronterasas, a group in San Diego.

The President

“When President Trump mentioned the criminals coming across our borders, he was right.  They were rapist, they were in cartels, they were druggies, and they did bring sicknesses into our country. Not all of the illegals were criminals, but those I talked to sure as hell were.  So our President was not incorrect in stating that; he was right.  I lived it, I heard their stories, I became sick, because of them.  I didn’t inform my superiors about my conversations, because they were just plain busy and I didn’t think they would have any interest in the information I was provided.”

The President was Right

President Trump was indeed correct in describing many of those who come to the United States illegally.  He is correct in assessing the humanitarian difficulties of illegal immigration and why we as decent human beings cannot promote and encourage the atrocities as described here.

Her Summation

“Long story short, it’s really a scary thought that our government takes action without the United States Citizens knowledge of what’s transpiring.  There’s much secrecy.  We spend billions of dollars on illegals, we spend millions on contractors, staff (physicians, nurses) air fare, phone calls, clothing, food, shoes, and medication.  Obama did much harm to our country.  I remember an illegal child asking me if I would please thank President Obama for allowing them to cross over to become U.S. Citizens.  My supervisor turned to look at me in awe, difficult to process. We spend millions on them, and yet our Veterans suffer to such horrible extents.  Do we need a wall?  HELL YES WE DO!  Our country does without, just to assist the illegal immigrate population.  How fair is that?”

My Summation

I commend my good friend and patriotic citizen for her candor in compiling this report for it may serve in some way to save a life or lives, whether it be the illegal immigrant or the American victim of the unvetted immigrant.  I condemn those who keep secrets, leak the good stuff and hide the bad.  This is what happens in the Third World, not America.

I have always been baffled by what the Left deems Social Justice and their push for a nation without borders – OURS.  A nation without borders will eventually be consumed by chaos.  There cannot be good cause for this as ours is a nation born from human endeavors to serve God.  Our charge is to do what is right in God’s eyes.  It cannot be that subjecting poor people to the extremes of migration for a better life for some and not so better for others is God’s way.  I reject any explanation to the contrary.  So what is left to explain the situation?  It could only be that there are people like Alex Mensing who use the illegal trade and the people in it as pawns to further their careers.  But what about others on the Left, the media and the Democrats who say we need open borders?  They are all on the same page and for only one reason that I can surmise – to create an underclass of reliable voters.  They care not of the harsh reality of what illegal immigration does to the participants and to the U. S. citizenry.  They care not of the rapes and murders that happen along the way.  They tell us it doesn’t happen.  They lie to us but even Amnesty International just recently issued a report verifying up to 60% of the women in these caravans in Mexico have been raped.  Amnesty International is NO conservative organization.  We can only speculate how many died along the trail, were murdered, abused, ad nauseum.  Perhaps they did not get the same memo handed out to every liberal media organization.  Perhaps they are not as political.  Perhaps the Left should not be as well.

My friend speaks of the United States Emergency Management Team.  I believe this to be FEMA.  Is it now FEMA’s charge to take care of illegals, even minor illegals?  Apparently the Obama Administration thought so.  It appears they were using FEMA as a go-between for the transfer from ICE to their ultimate destination.  The illegal population must be dispersed amongst us in the various states so that concentrations would not form thereby eliciting the curious eye.  In that way they would make illegal immigration what they saw as a small problem for many instead of a big problem for some.  I’m just speculating but why else intersperse the illegal population around the whole nation in such a fashion?  It is the secrecy of these operations that is the most egregious abuse of power.  It is what makes the citizenry distrust the government, especially the Federal government.  And now my friend tells me the contracting company is out mobilizing again for the next expected coming wave of illegals.  But she said she would not participate again.  She is clearly bothered by the whole sordid affair.

We are living in a nation replete with liars, leakers and liberals.  But they are all the same thing.
